margaroma story

On a sunny sandy beach in Italy, I was inspired and learned how to make these wonderful necklaces. I was fascinated by the idea of creating every necklace unique with just one model. Inspired of the moment each time making one. Amazed by the huge mix of colours and the simplicity. The necklaces are very decorative even with the most stylish and expensive look. With all these sensations, I started to notice a keen interest of my friends to get a necklace. They were getting crazy of the huge choice of colours not being able to choose as one was more beautiful than another. Slowly I started to grew the idea of making more of them and having a showcase on line to be able to show the choices and latest produced. Also to friends far away.

With an extensive experience within the auction- and jewellery business I am used to work with high valued objects. Different to my previous works, the Margaroma necklace is inexpensive but decorative. Having an eye for the latest influences mixing this with the setting of Rome, the Eternal city and timeless fashion makes me want to accessorize my friends and their friends. Every necklaces is unique and the simple string of beads glimmer day and night and have become very popular and fashionable among my friends. Now I would like to share them with you.